Marketing Opportunities

Advertising in Waterbury History magazine

Don’t miss out! Promote your product, organization or event – or show your community spirit by wishing the City of Waterbury a happy birthday in this 350th anniversary year! – with an advertisement in Waterbury History magazine!

General dimensions and costs are listed below; for more information on sizes, rates, and savings on multiple ad insertions, click here to see a pdf brochure that includes broader information.


• Full-page ad: $350 to $450 (rate reductions available if three or four ads are reserved over a 12-month period)

Size: 8” x 10.5” …  8.5” x 11” is optional (submitted artwork must then include a 1/8” bleed)

Special Introductory Offer!: In honor of Waterbury marking the 350th anniversary of its founding year of 1674, any order for four full-page ad insertions (in accordance with payment terms) will receive an additional discount of $167.40  (see pdf of rate brochure)

Half-page ad: $200 (rate reductions available if three or four ads are reserved over a 12-month period)

Sizes: 7.5” x 4.75” (horizontal) or 3.75” x 9.75” (vertical)

Quarter-page ad: $125 (rate reductions available if three or four ads are reserved over a 12-month period)
Sizes: 3.5” x 4.75”

Eighth-page page ad: $70
Size:  3.5” x 2.0” (similar to dimensions of a business card) 

Advertising Deadlines:

Reserve ad space by the following dates for upcoming issues of Waterbury History magazine:

Fall 2024 issue:  Sept. 1, 2024      
Winter 2024 issue:  Dec. 1, 2024     
Spring 2025 issue: March 1, 2025  
Summer 2025 issue: June 1, 2025


To access a downloadable ad insertion order form, click here.

For more information about advertising, or to request info on advertising in multiple issues, send an email to [email protected] or call 203-768-6269.

Topics For Future Issues: To see a list of topics and subjects of articles in future issues of Waterbury History magazine, click here.

Subscribe to Waterbury History: If you would like to purchase an annual subscription to the quarterly magazine dedicated to the storied past of the Brass City, or buy a single issue, click here.